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  • Writer's pictureIan



Our second event for the 2023 FRC season was at Livonia's own Churchill High School! This event was much rougher than Kettering University #2, it ended with us landing in the 6th alliance, with 280, TnT from Taylor Career and Technical Center, and team 5197, our alliance captain, from North Western High School (and Detroit homeschoolers). We were eliminated during the semifinals gaining a total of 17 ranking points, by the end of the day, and having a win-loss of 6-6-0 for qualification matches.

Our drive team "uniforms" at Livonia


(written by Zach)

Out of 160 teams that qualify for states in Michigan, 2 were prequalified, leaving 158 teams available for qualification. We placed at #158.

During our first visit to the State Championships as Waterford Robotics, we performed admirably. On Thursday, our day began with frantic last-minute modifications to the robot. We scrambled to finish the robot, and during our first test, we broke both of the chains to the arm. After that, we took our time to repair the damage, and the robot had no major mechanical damage for the rest of the competition.

40 teams competed in the Ford Division. With a 5-6-1 record, we placed 29th in our division. We achieved 30 ranking points and had an average match score of 125 points. Despite this result, we weren't chosen to play with an alliance in the playoff matches. However we were the #8 backup team.

Drive Team at States

We ended our season with 91 ranking points, and were in 145 place in the state of Michigan. We hope to see you at our next events, or team expeditions!

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